If you’re looking for the Mountain Division Alliance, while it looks a lot different, you’re in the right place. As of January 9, 2025, we’ve rebranded our organization with a new name, logo, and website.
We welcome you to our new website and are excited to share the new name of our organization.
Friends of the Mountain Division Trail (FOTMDT)
The Mountain Division Railroad ran from Ogdensburg, NY to Portland, Maine (almost 400 miles). It was completed in 1875 and used for over 100 years. Because it was no longer economically viable, rail service was discontinued in 1958 for passenger trains and 1983 for freight trains. The eastern most section, located in southwestern Maine, runs 51 miles from Fryeburg on the NH border to Portland, Maine. The mission and vision of our organization are singularly focused on advocating for the construction of a paved recreational trail from the mountains of NH/ME to Portland and the sea.
Legislation (LD404) signed into law on 7/6/23, authorized the Maine Department of Transportation to remove the rails and ties, plan, engineer, and construct a trail until rail from Fryeburg to Standish. When completed this will connect 31 miles of new trail to the 10 miles already constructed and in use. Visit the timeline to learn more about our history.
Click below to learn more about the two open sections of the Trail.
- Standish/Gorham/Windham
- Fryeburg
🟢 4 miles - Fryeburg
🟢 6 miles - Standish, Gorham, Windham
🟠 31 miles - Standish to Fryeburg
🟠 5 miles - Windham to Westbrook
🔴 5 miles - Westbrook to Portland
March 28, 2025
Trail Conditions Page Updated HERE
March 20, 2025
Save the Date!
Chalk the Trail in Windham will be on Sunday May 18th 10am-1pm
(Rain Date Sunday May 25th 10am-1pm)
Signup for more updates HERE
March 4, 2025
Save the Date!
Chalk the Trail in Fryeburg will be on Sunday June 1st 9-11am
(Rain Date Sunday June 8th 9-11am)
Signup for more updates HERE
February 21, 2025
Check out our latest newsletter for important trail updates
- New Name, New Logo, New Website
- Trail Construction Update
- Along the Trail Story
- Expanding New England’s Trail Network:
Connecting Communities and Boosting Local Economies
- Trail Walk – Brownfield
- Trail Visitor Etiquette – Safe and Enjoyable Shared Trail Use
- Trails in
the News
- Upcoming Events
Our Mission is to work with the nine communities along the Mountain Division Rail corridor, Maine Department of Transportation, and other organizations and stakeholders to create a safe, welcoming, contiguous trail that connects existing paved portions of the trail to provide for active transportation and recreation opportunities from Fryeburg to Portland.
We envision communities along the Mountain Division Line connected by trails that are safe and welcoming for active transportation and recreation, improve the health and well-being of residents and visitors, create economic benefit for Southern and Western Maine, and further connect to a network of trails across Maine and beyond.
The Friends of the Mountain Division Trail is composed of Mountain Division line community stakeholders.
Contact us to become a Community or Business Partner