Southwestern Maine's Rail Trail

Trail Legislation

Past and Current Legislation for the Mountain Division Trail

LD 672

Resolve, To Direct the Department of Transportation To Use a Rail Corridor Use Advisory Council in Reviewing the Mountain Division Line for Potential Non-rail Uses

LD 404

Resolve, to Direct the Department of Transportation to Implement the Recommendations of the Mountain Division Rail Use Advisory Council

LD 1450

An Act to Fund the Recommendations of the Mountain Division Rail Use Advisory Council

LD 672

Resolve, To Direct the Department of Transportation To Use a Rail Corridor Use Advisory Council in Reviewing the Mountain Division Line for Potential Non-rail Uses

Passed June 14, 2021
Bill Text
Public Hearing Testimony

LD 404

Resolve, to Direct the Department of Transportation to Implement the Recommendations of the Mountain Division Rail Use Advisory Council

Passed June 28, 2023
Bill Text
Public Hearing Testimony

LD 1450

An Act to Fund the Recommendations of the Mountain Division Rail Use Advisory Council

Died at the end of 131st session December 4, 2024
Bill Text
Public Hearing Testimony